Based in the island of Jersey, Channel Island, Jersey 5 Star Cleaning Services provides cleaning services to individuals and professionals alike. Whether you are one or the other, this site is here to help you discover what type of services 5 Star Cleaning Services can offer you.
Our staffs are all highly experienced in dealing with customers and cleaning services. We pride ourselves by keeping 95% of them happily working for us for a minimum of a year. As a result, we have made a great team of dedicated Jersey cleaners that will do their best for you.
Individuals with children, cinema, commerces... We all have our own obligations and availabilities. At Jersey Property Services we understand that and will do our best to provide you with a very flexible Jersey cleaning service and be available when you need it.
You had a flood incident? Somebody poured something on your carpet and you need someone to clean it quickly before the stain dries up and becomes difficult to remove? Give us a call and depending on the situation we can come within two hours to help you deal with your cleaning problems.